The Irish Plant Contractors Association: A New Frontier for the Industry

Picture this: a group of highly skilled individuals working tirelessly to ensure the Irish construction industry thrives.

Who are they, you ask? None other than the plant contractors of Ireland.

These masterful machinery mavens operate collectively, investing in plant and equipment to ensure the wheels of progress keep turning.

But their journey has not been without its challenges. They’ve been without a dedicated representative body for far too long to accurately serve and represent their vital needs. That is, until now.

Welcome to the Future of Irish Plant Ownership, Hiring, and Contracting

The recently formed Irish Plant Contractors Association is a game-changer for the industry. Run by respected professionals who understand the ins and outs of plant machinery, this association is a one-stop-shop for all things related to plant ownership, hiring, and contracting.

But what does this mean for the industry, you may ask?

For starters, it means a better, fairer deal for all involved. The association is dedicated to driving better bargaining and negotiating power, ensuring that the needs of plant machinery contractors across Ireland are met.

And it’s not just the contractors who stand to benefit. The association’s efforts will also ripple effect on the entire supply chain. Manufacturers will see an increase in output, distributors will experience higher throughput, and SME after-sales


and service providers will have a platform to flourish.

A Journey to a Brighter Future

Project Ireland 2040

has set an ambitious growth plan for the construction industry. Astrak Ireland looks forward to supporting the IPCA members as they work hard to help make that a reality.

Learn more about the Irish Plant Contractors Association by visiting their website at
