Tips for Keeping Tracked Machinery Optimised During the Cold Weather

As temperatures start to dip and winter weather sets in, it’s essential to remember the specific needs of tracked machinery.

Cold weather can affect the performance and efficiency of tracked machinery, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to optimise it.

Here are our tips for doing just that:

Pay Attention to Battery Life

The cold weather can take a toll on the battery life of tracked machinery. Make sure to check the battery frequently. Take time to ensure the battery is adequately insulated, as this will help protect it from the cold and ensure it can perform optimally.

Regularly Inspect The Undercarriage

Tracked machinery is only as good as its


, so it is essential to inspect them regularly.

Look for signs of wear and tear

, and replace any damaged components as soon as possible. This will help to ensure that the machinery performs optimally and prevent any issues caused by the cold weather.

Clean and Lubricate Moving Parts

The cold weather can cause the moving parts of tracked machinery to become dry and sometimes brittle, and to prevent this; it is important to regularly clean and lubricate these parts.

It is also beneficial to use lubricants that are intended for cold weather use which will protect the moving parts from the cold and ensure that they can perform optimally.

Inspect the Hydraulic System

Cold weather can also affect the

hydraulic system

of tracked machinery. Inspecting the system regularly and ensuring it runs at its best is essential. Check the fluid levels and replace any worn or damaged parts immediately.

Use hydraulic fluids specific for cold weather use. This will help protect the system from the cold and ensure that it can perform optimally.

Monitor the Coolant System

The cold weather can sometimes cause the coolant system of tracked machinery to become clogged or blocked. Check the coolant levels and replace any worn or damaged parts as soon as possible. Use


intended for low-temperature use, as this will help protect the system from the cold and ensure that it can perform optimally.

Inspect the Belts and Hoses

The cold weather can also cause issues with the belts and hoses of tracked machinery. Inspecting these parts regularly and ensuring they are in good condition is important. Replace any worn or damaged parts as soon as possible.

Act Now

Cold weather can take its toll on tracked machinery, so it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure it runs optimally. By following these tips, you can ensure that your tracked machinery can perform at its best, even in the coldest conditions. So don’t let the cold weather slow you down; take action today and optimise your tracked machinery!